Planting a Seed, Pt. 2

It’s hard to imagine anyone learning to walk from scratch as an adult, but people who suffer brain injuries often do. They have no self-directed period, but are forced to adapt to constant, intense challenge. It can be difficult and frustrating. They usually struggle, needing lots of guidance, understanding, feedback and encouragement. If said adult

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Using Evernote

Evernote is a free program that can be used on desktop & laptop computers, and on most mobile devices. It enables sharing of documents between different devices and different users. This ability has made it extremely useful for two or more people collaborating on a computer based project. Sharing assignments and other things automatically between

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Stuff Big and Small

In Douglas Adams’ The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Arthur Dent is informed of two fundamental rules: Don’t panic and always bring a towel. I’m not sure how essential the towel is, but “don’t panic” is great advice! If we panic, we can’t even understand the situation accurately, let alone respond helpfully. If we get

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Success and Motivation

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~ Robert Collier Success Success is the greatest motivator. Enjoyment of any learning endeavor is dependent on continued progress, which is dependent on repeated success. For these reasons, regular quality practice and completion of assignments is very important. Few people, regardless of their age,

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Mindfulness & Music

I recently came across an article at with some ideas that seem relevant to these busier seasons. Sociologist Dr. Christine Carter created the chart below highlighting 3 myths Americans often belief and the truth about them. These truths are highly relevant to learning piano—or anything! Practicing is what students are generally spending the majority

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Planting a Seed, Pt. 1

I like to think of learning as a seed being planted, and also as the nourishment for its growth. In the beginning, the seeds are mostly things in the environment a baby encounters. The clothes and blankets against her skin, the fluctuating air temperature, the changing light through the window, the movements of the mobile hanging

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